Stoddard Valley Backcountry Trail Map

Stoddard Valley Backcountry Trail Map

  • $ 3.00

Only 4 miles south of Barstow, California. This OHV designated area is managed by the BLM. Street legal or green stickered vehicles are allowed. Desert terrain, washes and plenty of climbs. Open areas and desert canyons. Easy to Most Difficult trails. The Stoddard Valley Off Highway Vehicle Area is open to all vehicles. There are more than 50,000 acres of desert mountains (very few trees), valleys and sandy washes to explore. The terrain difficulty varies from easy to impossible. The OHV area is bounded on the north by Barstow, the west by Interstate 15 and the east by Highway 247. Except for holiday weekends and race events, the area receives low to moderate use. Stoddard Valley has become a popular area to hold Off Road Races. Sidekick Off Road, Published 2008, Scale Various, Format Folded, Paper, Topo Relief, Flat Dimensions (inches) 17 x 14